
Very few people in a growing organization give much thought to what goes on in the mail room – until something goes wrong. An important contract gets lost; a thank-you note meant to cement a new business relationship goes missing; the CEO’s fruit-of-the-month lies forgotten until it ferments. When every part of your company is growing except your mail room, mishaps like these become more frequent.

Eventually, these mail room mishaps can start holding you back.

Logically, companies primarily focus on revenue growth, with the lion’s share of resources allocated to sales and customer service. If there are extra resources, they generally aren’t earmarked for increasing mail room staff, even if packages are flooding in by the dozens (or hundreds at peak times). This is where having package tracking software can save your mail room, ensure the boss gets his or her pears by their “Best By” date, and even help your company continue to grow.

3 Perks of Internal Corporate Package Tracking

  1. Package tracking software saves money on hiring and training new people. Cost-effective and easy to implement, internal package tracking software can help your existing staff log-in packages, alert recipients in seconds, and generate reports on demand. Nothing gets lost in-house.
  2. Rather than spend work hours trying to hunt down a tardy packet of legal documents, internal package tracking software allows your employees to spend time doing what they do best.
  3. Lean companies appreciate the efficiency of automated package tracking, reporting, and notification. Features like these benefit everyone, from the top down, by streamlining everyday processes. It’s like putting your company on ball-bearings so you can move smoothly forward.

Optimizing small, yet vital, departments, like the mail center, can make a huge difference to the well-being of the entire company. When you find yourself spending too much time fixing mail room mishaps (and isn’t any time too much?), remember: There’s a better way!

Request a Free Demo to See Why Our Clients Love EZTrackIt

Source: HubSpot

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