
Now that EZTrackIt Discovery is in beta-testing, we’re getting down to the details of improving user experience. These details can be as small as choosing which test names go into the fields for the demo – which is, in fact, precisely the question that had us stumped recently.

When you scan in a package’s barcode, a field pops up to allow you to search for the recipient. But first, you have to have your recipients in the system, which means to test it, we have to pre-load it with a few names everyone can easily remember.

Just pick a handful of names out of a hat, right? Well, no. The field asks you to start typing in the name, which means, if you don’t have the actual package in-hand (which you wouldn’t for testing purposes), that you need to be able to remember the name for the search feature to work. The question became: What names will our target customers recognize and remember?

To come up with this list, we had to think in terms of who would be testing the product. What would that demographic look like?

The customers testing our product tend to be between the ages of 40 to 50-years old, management level, though many are also in their 30s. End-users are a different category – they can range from the mail center manager to student-employees, but they aren’t the ones actually testing the product.  We needed a few pop-culture icons the 40 to 50 set would be able to instantly recognize.

John Lennon

Paul McCartney

Ringo Starr

George Harrison

Yes, those are the tester names we decided on. The runner-ups were relatively non-controversial Presidents (George Washington, John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt), but we decided that testing should be more fun than that. Nothing says fun like The Fab Four.

I tell this story of a very minor detail because it’s actually about something much bigger than that: Every time you are faced with a decision in your business, even a small one, you have an opportunity to make your customers’ experience better. Learn more about optimizing your mailroom with some tips we compiled for you in our free download. 

5 Steps To Optimize Your Mailroom Today

Source: HubSpot

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