What will student housing be like in 100 years?

A lot can happen in a century, especially one in which there are technological leaps and bounds every week. The world is changing fast, and we at EZTrackIt like to think we’re on the cutting edge of the future of student housing package tracking. But let’s, for a moment, really think about what the future holds for student housing – Jetson’s-style.

What will student housing be like in 100 years? These are our predictions.

Residence halls will aim higher, literally
Residence halls seem to be getting taller every year, with more students jostling to get into college than ever. We think the demand for a college education is only going to grow, but unless universities start buying up adjoining properties, they’ll have to build up, rather than out. We envision soaring skyscrapers, and maybe even residence hall bunk beds that sleep three instead of two. Or maybe students will have hover-beds, so not only will they be able to attend class across campus in their pajamas, they won’t even have to leave the comfort of their mattresses!

Communal dining will be a luxury, not a necessity
The square footage taken up by most residence hall dining facilities will be needed to house more students, so instead, food will be beamed (yes, beamed) from the kitchens directly to students’ rooms, at the hour of their choice. This includes 2 a.m. feedings of sugar-free, vitamin-enhanced Gummy Bears and Mountain Dew during finals.

Packages will be sent by drone
This year, Amazon.com has started to make moves in Washington D.C. to allow its packages to be delivered by drone. We think they’ll succeed. By the year 2114, packages will be delivered directly to a window near you – no matter what floor of the residence hall you’re on! Think of it like a futuristic Hogwarts, but instead of delivery by owl, it will be delivery by a four-leaf-clover-shaped helicopter. Students will also send important documents by drone, paying extra to ensure the drone flies fast enough to submit final essays by deadline (yes, even in the future, luddite professors will insist on essays submitted on paper, and procrastinating students will wait until the last minute to hand them in). EZTrackIt will, of course, be around to track the package-carrying drones. You never know when a collision between drone and local wildlife might delay a flying package!

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