
EZTrackIt is pleased to announce that we are officially Strategic Partners with Adirondack Solutions.

Adirondack Solutions is the worldwide leader in providing innovative solutions primarily for the college student life market. They offer products for web-based room assignments, housing operations, conduct, parking/vehicle registration, conference management, guest pass tracking, and more.

EZTrackIt and Adirondack Solutions have recently partnered together to create a new API integration that allows the two Solutions to communicate information with each other. This allows any University or other institution that uses Adirondack to directly connect with EZTrackIt.  This can automatically update user data every night saving time and efforts. Updating information is easier and faster than ever when you’re partnered with EZTrackIt and Adirondack. We’ll be at the ASUG 2017 conference to meet with clients and future clients to educate them on the easy processes moving forward.  

We value the power of partnerships and we strive to make our client’s day to day tasks as seamless and pleasant as possible. To learn more, contact EZTrackIt President, Patrick Weir at patrick@eztrackit.com

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