Reveal Invisible Zebras in the Mailroom with Package Tracking SoftwareIn my recent trip to South Africa I learned a lot of things about Zebras. For instance, there are two different species of Zebra, one that lives in the mountains and the more common variety which live in the plains. While they look the same at first glance, a careful eye will spot that the plains variety actually has three colors of stripes, not two. We may think that all zebras have just black and white stripes, but on the plains they have what is called a “shadow stripe” as well, which is actually grey.

In the “bush,” zebras are also quite abundant. In the first two days of our adventures, we probably took over 300 pictures of them. By the fourth day of our travels, we stopped taking pictures of them altogether. By the fifth day we barely even noticed them anymore. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine reaching a point where having a zebra walk right past you doesn’t even register anymore? This is part of human nature and there are really good reasons why our brains work like this. We ignore the mundane things so that when something unusual appears (like a lion) we notice it immediately.

OK, let’s flash forward to your office, or mine. There are a hundred “little things” that are not the way you would like them to be. Some are small problems with the potential to become big problems, but since they haven’t become big yet, we ignore them. Take package deliveries, for example. Who is responsible for the packages that come in? If there are no major issues, then it seems that no one must assume this role. But, if there is a problem, the blame will likely fall on you, even if you had nothing to do with the issue.

Perhaps it is time to start noticing those stripes. In this case, I am not talking about the Zebra kind. Virtually every package that comes in has a unique barcode on it. Why not use them to track those packages after they have arrived? With EZTrackIt’s package tracking system you can do just that. EZTrackIt package logging software can track items going in and out easily, but did you know that it can keep track of items over multiple places and checkpoints all around the building? Our package logging software will not only track the items with barcodes, but also create barcodes for the items that don’t have their own.

It is time to take a real, hard look at those little problems, like inbound packages, before they become big ones. Contact us to set up a demo and package tracking systemlearn how our can help solve these little problems in the mailroom.

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